The store in its approximate location at Burnett's. The Crown Mills sign was taken from the side of another store in Fillmore, California. |
The last few days I've been working on a C. C. Crow kit which I had picked up many years ago at a swap meet. It appealed to me because I distinctly remember the prototype which inspired the kit. It was an 1850s building located in Shingle Springs, California. I had been by it many times and had photographed in the 1980s. The Crow kit is not an exact replica as he admits patterning the kit by memory but it's pretty close.
I had no names of actual businesses in Burnett's so I named the store after a friend of mine who is an excellent modeler. |
It is a plaster kit which is easy to work with but there is a chance of the seams showing in the stone work. I used heavily thinned colors to stain the walls after sealing them with clear spray. After the assembly, I added some signs and posters to advertise some of products sold by this small country store. The posters were found on the internet and just printed on photo paper which gives a slight glossy finish which hopefully looks like porcelain.
The cigar store Indian in the photo was from a now-forgotten line of figures while the scale is the one discussed in my last post (
http://sandcrr.blogspot.com/2015/04/a-weighty-matter.html). Since then I found that the kit was missing the legend above the dial advertising your "Exact Weight - One Cent." I added that and sent a photo to the manufacturer who agreed to add the decal to his kit.
The Shingle Springs building in the 1980s. |
The shop doors and second story door was also an addition made by cutting down some Grandt Line doors.
The only disappointment was when I learned that the prototype had been torn down a few years ago. It's interesting that there is always enough money to bulldoze a building and cart off the stone but never enough money to repair it.